This post first was published early May in German on request of Stephan Klingebiel for the German Development Institute:
2015 was the year of important summit promises made by the UN and heads
of states that yielded some of
the most ambitious global commitments ever made:
1. The 3rd Conference on
Financing for Development in Addis Ababa;
2. The Summit in New York on
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and
3. The 21st Climate Change
Conference in Paris.
2016 followed to witness the delivery promise by ten multilateral
development banks (MDBs) and the IMF: We
stand ready to support the realization of these ambitious UN summit promises
into reality[1].
Table 1 presents those MDBs that committed to the delivery promise through their presidents´ signatures. The Table
will help the next German government to monitor these institutions for the
implementation of their promise and to take them to task. Talk is cheap,
especially at UN summits, but implementation is critical
to improving lives and protecting the planet.
Table 1: Multilateral Development Banks with SDG
Delivery Commitments
Multilateral Development Banks
Development Bank
Asian Development
Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank
European Bank
for Reconstruction and Develoment
Europen Investment
Inter-American Development
Finance Corporation
Islamic Development
New Development
Bank (BRICS)
World Bank
The MDB bosses declared that the can translate the SDGs into meaningful country-level targets, policies,
programs, and projects needed to achieve them. They would provide not only the
necessary financing—either directly or by helping to “unlock” and catalyze
additional public and private resources—but also policy advice and technical
assistance supporting countries to build domestic capacity and to identify
needed priority investments with the right standards. At the same
time, the IMF and the World Bank would strengthen their debt sustainability
assessment tools to ensure that investment scaling-up in the wake of the summit
promises do not threaten the
sustainability of public finances. So much for self-promotion.
With respect to the summit and delivery
promises and the MDBs, three central strategic questions will confront the next
German government:
share of the aid budget is to be spent via multilateral rather than bilateral
to allocate German budget contributions across the MDBs?
priority will be given to poverty reduction in the poorest countries relative
to financing global public goods?
Aid allocation:
Bilateral or multilateral delivery channels?
Budget allocation between bilateral and multilateral
delivery channels can be guided by two important criteria: 1) Who has the
comparative advantage to deliver on specific SDGs effectively and efficiently?
2) Which channel helps better promote the priorities of partner country and
donor country?
Usually, multilateral are preferred over
bilateral agencies for some genuine advantages: Know How (to fight poverty and
pandemics), basic research (for example on agricultural seeds), to combat global
climate change, global terror, financial crises and shortages of water, food
and energy. These are classic global public goods that constitute the case for
the necessity of multilateral organizations also for aid delivery.
Where – unlike in Germany – national agencies
of aid delivery are hardly present, a hard decision is often avoided via cherry
picking multilateral organizations for earmarked (´bilateral`) purposes. By
contrast, German contributions to multilateral institutions are mostly
contributions to their core budget. The high share of core budget payments in
German contributions to multilateral organizations is welcome and should not be
reduced. Many international organizations, especially at the UN, suffer from
eroded core budgets that leads either to their effective ´privatization´
(example: the World Health Organization budget financed by the Gates
Foundation) or to mission creep, mandate encroachment and fund shopping by management.
This leads to aid fragmentation, costly for poor countries with thin administrative
To be sure, the risk of aid fragmentation is
much higher when aid is delivered via bilateral channels, given the multitude
and competition of bilateral aid agencies and of private donors. However, the
bilateral channel is tempting for an export oriented country such as Germany as
it will serve as a door opener for good bilateral relations, which imply
stronger trade relations.
Assigning Mandates across
the MDB Space
In the past, the
bulk of multilateral lending has been provided by institutions created and
ruled by the west. The pressure for the BRICS to ‘exit’ had risen with past,
present and expected failure for ‘voice’ reform in the established
international financial institutions (IFIs). With the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank (AIIB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), two multilateral
banks created in 2014 outside the established Bretton Woods system, choice has
increased for borrowers and capital donors alike as the new institutions led by
China and the other BRICS help rebalance multilateral development finance away
from western dominance[2].
To avoid the
administrative burden on developing partners that may arise through fragmented
MDB lending, it remains important to avoid mandate duplication and overlap, to
reduce mission creep and to arrest multilateral fragmentation[3].
The fragmentation of multilateral development cooperation is not just a problem
for developing countries, but equally for sponsors in donor countries. They
have so far often fulfilled the task to direct and control the management of
multilateral development banks by benign neglect.
A clear role
assignment and coordination of the multilaterals will help reduce mandate
shopping and hopefully raise their efficiency and effectiveness. This requires first
and foremost to find out comparative advantage across the MDB space in
supporting specific SDG goals (of which there are 17 with 169 targets between
them). Because of ministerial patronage and conflict of interest the mapping of
comparative advantage cannot be trusted upon specific ministries, let alone
upon international organizations (nor upon academics that depend on them). The
most promising procedure is to have the heads of states to entrust national
audit agencies with mapping comparative advantages in the MDB space[4].
Which Role should MDBs have for the Bottom Billion?
The Communiqué released by G20 Finance
Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their meeting in Baden-Baden over March
17-18, contained the following, less noted, declaration:
“Given scarce public resources and the key role
of the private sector for sustainable economic development, we welcome the work
by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) on mobilising private capital. We call
on MDBs to finalise Joint Principles by our next meeting and develop Ambitions
on Crowding-in Private Finance by the Leaders Summit in July 2017. We look
forward to the joint MDBs’ reports on the implementation of the MDBs Balance
Sheet Optimisation Action Plan…”
Following a decision made in 2015, The AsDB has
become a pioneer of merging concessional and non-concessional balance sheets in
order to raise leverage on MDB capital. Since the AsDB merger, the assets of
the concessional loan window, named the Asian Development Fund (AsDF), have
been treated as equity and brought onto the bank’s core balance sheet. The
inclusion of AsDF equity, comprised of $30.8 billion in loans outstanding and
$7.2 billion in liquidity/receivables, effectively tripled AsDB capital to $53
billion. The Washington-based Centre for Global Development (2016) estimates
that the move increased the AsDB lending capacity by 50%. The new regulations for the AsDF were released by the AsDB on 1st January
Reforms are also ongoing in other international
financial Institutions. The IDA, following its 18th Replenishment, plans to
leverage its capital for non-concessional loans through a private-sector
set-aside window. The African Development Bank (AfDB) is opening its
non-concessional window to the poorest countries. Also IFAD – an MDB and a
specialized UN agency – is exploring options for changing the financial
architecture, so as to increase the size of the programme of loans and grants.
The AsDB merger has been described as “win-win-win”: AsDF countries see expanded
access to lending; AsDB countries also see expanded access (on non-concessional
terms); and AsDF donors see a 50 percent reduction in their contributions to
the grant fund as a result of a smaller pool of eligible countries. Is this too
good to be true – a free lunch?
We need to consult MDB balance sheets to see
when the MDB windows merger will bring the advertised results:
- On
the liability side, the ratio of concessional to
non-concessional equity determines lending potential of merged windows.
The more concessional equity can be merged into non-concessional equity,
the more bang for the buck can be expected.
- On
the asset side, composition of borrowers—those requiring concessional
lending terms and their size relative to non-concessional borrowers – will
define the leverage ratio as non-concessional lending raises the leverage
ratio while concessional lending will reduce it toward 1.
Table 2: MDB Balance Sheet Ratios
Equity ratio
Leverage ratio
Sources: Moody´s; CDG (2016); MDB annual reports; own calculations.
The net result
of window mergers on MDB lending capacity will depend on how much additional
finance the balance-sheet reform produces, and how much of the additional
resources is absorbed by a higher concentration of fragile and conflict
affected countries in the remaining pool of IDA countries. The World Bank
balance sheet lends itself to the optimization proposed by the G20: Both the
equity ratio and the leverage are comparatively high, so that lending capacity
can be increased significantly by the window merger. In contrast, the room for
manoeuvre is quite limited for the AfDB. This kind of redirection of investment
priorities away from social investments toward hard infrastructure investments
could be fatal in Africa where fragile and conflict affected countries are
plentiful, and where the majority of countries are still dependant on
concessional lending[5].
[2] Helmut Reisen
(2015), “Will
the AIIB and the NDB Help Reform Multilateral Development Banking?”, Global Policy, Vol. 6, Issue 3, September, pp.
[3] Helmut Reisen (2010), "The multilateral donor
non-system: towards accountability and efficient role assignment," Economics - The Open-Access,
Open-Assessment E-Journal, vol. 4, pp. 1-22.
[4] To entrust
the national audit authority on evaluating engagement with multilaterals was
pioneered in the UK. See National Audit Office (2005),
Department for International Development: Engaging with Multilaterals, London:
[5] See more
detail in Helmut Reisen (2017), On the G20 call for MDB
Balance-Sheet ´Optimization´, T20 Germany Blog, German Development
Institute, 11 April.